2015 International Checkers Hall of Fame (ICHF) Checkers Annual magazine covering 2014 events.  155 pages.  Includes over 30 entries of pictures and articles including 2014 Sportaccord World mind games in Beijing (travelog story and annotated games), King-Scarpetta GAYP match (annotated), 2014 World Qualifier games (mostly unannotated), Derek Oldbury biography, Alzheimer's Association-ACF "Longest Day" coverage, and more.  Price is $25 (add $5 overseas).  Send check to Richard Beckwith 34490 Ridge Road #115 Willoughby, Ohio 44094.

The ICHF annual came out last week.  General Description of contents is above, and I will have an ACF Store button made.   It’s only $20 if bought at a tournament I attend (no shipping needed).  -- Richard

2015 Tournament Dates  |  2015 GAYP National Results